Offers Growers A Real-World Alternative To Chemical Based Formulas

Improves Produce
Resists Drought

Insecta Pro® is a 100% Bio-Degradable formula that is registered for use on Organic Crops under the USDA Bio-Preferred Program per ASTM Standards. GSS represents that this product qualifies for exemption under FIFRA, 40 CRF Sec. 152.25 (f), (1), (2) and (3) minimum risk pesticide. EST. #88238-MS-001. With essential plant oils like Garlic Extract, Neem Oil and Cedar Oil, Insecta Pro® offers growers a real-world alternative to chemical based formulas. Insecta Pro® can be applied as a foliar or soil drench weekly if needed, throughout the entire growing season with no restrictions. To ensure the best results always perform a compatibility jar test. **Don’t Guess, Soil Test TM