Organic Plant Enhancer  

Accelerate All-Around Plant Growth

Agra Organic Plant Enhancer™

  • Stimulates the cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the roots creating greater absorption of moisture and nutrients. This increases the sugar (BRIX) of the plant and leaves, improving the photosynthesis response and giving dramatic increases in growth, strength, health and yield
  • Organic Plant Enhancer is internationally certified organic and is blended with key essential oils, contains all natural ingredients and NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS!
  • Safe, user friendly, systemic growth boosting product for all indoor and outdoor growers
  • 100% bio-degradable and carcinogen free - and leaves no chemical trace residue

Organic Plant Enhancer

Concentrated Microbial Cloning Formula

Description Pack
Organic Plant Enhancer 8 oz bottle 10
Organic Plant Enhancer 16 oz bottle 6
Organic Plant Enhancer Quart bottle 1
Organic Plant Enhancer Gallon bottle 1
Organic Plant Enhancer 2.5 Gallons 2
Organic Plant Enhancer 55 Gal Drum 1
Organic Plant Enhancer 250 Gal Tote 1
